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== Bedrock Anarchy Era ==
[[File:SCC at 100k z-.png|thumb|Picture of the [[SCC]] ending the making of the canal at 100k on 9b9t (with [[ThebesAndSound]])]]Unlike most modern Minecraft Java Anarchy players, GamingDerp did not start out on Java. He originally played on a Minecraft Bedrock Edition anarchy server called "2p2e", it was a small server with a tight knit community (comparable to the early days of 2b2t). He joined 2p2e's discord in May of 2018, but didn't start playing on the server till around December of 2018. The server is still around to this day, but the original map corrupted in early 2020, and has been on a temp map ever since.<br />
[[File:Union Hills.png|thumb|Picture of the (griefed by Blackfyre) [[Team Blackfyre|Blackfyre]] base "[[Union Hills]]"]]
[[File:Castle Blackfyre.png|thumb|Picture of the (griefed by Blackfyre) [[Team Blackfyre|Blackfyre]] base "[[Castle Blackfyre]]"]]
[[File:SCC at 100k z-.png|thumb|Picture of the [[SCC]] ending the making of the canal at 100k on 9b9t (with [[ThebesAndSound]])]]Unlike most modern Minecraft Java Anarchy players, GamingDerp did not start out on Java. He originally played on a Minecraft Bedrock Edition anarchy server called "2p2e", it was a small server with a tight knit community (comparable to the early days of 2b2t). He joined 2p2e's discord in May of 2018, but didn't start playing on the server till around December of 2018. The server is still around to this day, but the original map corrupted in early 2020, and has been on a temp map ever since.<br />
=== <u>First Days</u> ===
In his first days of paying on the server, he made some friends, got some gear, and griefed a base. He joined up with a player called "TopAccusedZoo", and tp'd (Force TP was a working hack at the time) to his base out in the 100k range. He then griefed a base which was owned by the player "Quantumatic" in [ this] video (Very cringey though). He watched FrenziedTen and Carnex13 fight in a pit at "Rising Sun" (a highway base) which started a grudge amongst both the players.
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====<u>''Union Hills''</u>====
[[File:Union Hills.png|thumb|Picture of the (griefed by Blackfyre) [[Team Blackfyre|Blackfyre]] base "[[Union Hills]]"]]
"Union Hills" was the first main base of the 9b9t group "Blackfyre". It was created in early 2020 and was nuked by Blackfyre in mid 2020. The base was founded by a member called "Timmy". He founded the base and then went inactive, when he came back to he remarked that it was "like a Captain America moment", (coming back to see something you've done become much bigger than when you left it). The base was surrounded by walls (that were never finished), and had a melon and wheat farm. There was also a storage area, and a "flex spiral" (named and built by GamingDerp) that was made out of only gold and diamond blocks in the shape of a spiral. There were little streets connecting everything, and even an underground road. There was also a "testing facility" underground that spanned for 40 chunks, as it was a place to test lag machines and other things to break the server. About 3k away there was a duping tunnel with pens to hold donkeys and llamas in, up on a hill above was the storage area where they'd store all their duped kits. But sadly, the base was nuked by Blackfyre after one of the members called "Cloud", got mad at another member because they were transgender. Cloud got drunk in a VC (voice chat) and started making extremely transphobic jokes and got kicked form the group. He then threatened to blow up the base, so the next day all the members of Union Hills got on and griefed it themselves before he got the chance to. The group had a world download of the base, and [ MadamGiggles] (a Constantiam youtuber) made a video on it where she explored it with the group. [ Here] is that video, and [ here] is a cinematic video of the base.
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==== <u>''Castle Blackfyre''</u> ====
[[File:Castle Blackfyre.png|thumb|Picture of the (griefed by Blackfyre) [[Team Blackfyre|Blackfyre]] base "[[Castle Blackfyre]]"]]
Castle Blackfyre was an even bigger base than Union Hills. In the front part of the base, there was a gigantic castle that. There was a custom village in the middle with a big tree as the centerpiece. There was a meeting hall, a quarry, and a huge stump (it was going to be a tree) that GamingDerp tried to build but wasn't motivated enough to finish. Derp ended up living in one of the village houses because he didn't want to build his house. The base just didn't feel like home to him, and he couldn't shake that feeling. He didn't end up doing much at the base, and for a few members, it was the last one they'd be at before they left the group, whether it was due to just being inactive or not having fun like they did back when they were at Union Hills. This base really changed the group, as it showed that they could build, and they have talent. One day, Houdini and his friend somehow ended up finding the base. Thankfully, Blackfyre and Houdini were in kahoots at the time and were friends, Houdini DM'd Wolf, and Wolf got the base members to get on and nuke the base, just fr security reasons. If Blackfyre and Houdini weren't friends at the time, there'd be a video out about them right now, and it would've never been lived down. <br />
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"Team Vibrant" was a small team made by the Blackfyre members: "GamingDerp", "AuraTheLucario" & "Dipolar". It was like when the South seceded from the North before the start of the Civil War. Although this did not end in a war thankfully. Team Vibrant was made by these three members as they didn't like how Wolf was treating them, there was a problem with bullying (although not on purpose) inside the group at the time. So Derp created a Discord for them (and the logo for the group), and they started getting prepared to leave, they were trying to decided on whether they should tell Wolf (the leader of Blackfyre) about this or not, they decided they would after they had at least two stashes moved so if anything dramatic happened they'd still have a bit of gear to work with. They had Derp move two of Blackfyre's stashes. While in the middle of moving the second one, one of Blackfyre's PvP'ers called "Warvan" found Derp moving his stash, and freaked out, which ended up in Warvan killing Derp. Team Vibrant was DM'ing a few Blackfyre members who they thought would agree with them and switch to the new group (these members included "Rydal", "Hellman", "Sumu", and a few other less well known members, but this just ended up wit Sumu telling Wolf about it. The next day the group talked about it and the issue was resolved, but there was still a bit of tension for a while after that (although nowadays it's business as usual again). This was not the proudest moment in Blackfyre's history, but it was a necessary one in Derp's opinion. It showed that it wasn't a true dictatorship, and that they are all actually friends (except Dipolar, he can go fuck himself). I'd say it brought them closer together as it opened them all up and made it easier to talk about how they were feeling and if they didn't think something was right. Although I highly doubt a situation like this will arise again in the group.
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=== <u>Favorite Memories<u> ===
[[File:SCC at 100k z-.png|thumb|Picture of the [[SCC]] ending the making of the canal at 100k on 9b9t (with [[ThebesAndSound]])]]
Some of Derp's favorite memories with the group are when they're all just having fun, being friends and not worrying about the word right now. Lie duping with Wolf at Union Hills extremely late at night, building up to 100k on the 9b9t Southern Canal with the SCC and ThebesAndSound, spawnfagging and fixing up the place so the group can watch some newplayers fight in a pit, building outposts together, griefing bases late at night, and tons more. Blackfyre may be looked at as a "secret society" or something that's pulling the strings in the background, and it is. But, it's also just a group of friends fucking around on a Minecraft server in their free time. One of the most hilarious things to look back on was when Derp had the idea for the "Anarchy Links Hub", and Wolf just said "ok cool" basically. What's the point in playing Minecraft if you can't have fun with your friends every so often? Because in the end, it's just a block game, and it shouldn't be something you're truly worried about.
=== <u>The Journey Continues...</u> ===


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