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=== <u>Blackfyre</u> ===
After ACE fell apart (a Constantiam group he ran), GamingDerp joined a (at the time) [[2b2t]] group called "[[Blackfyre]]". After a bit of drama, and the group not being able to buy everyone prio-queue, [[Blackfyre]] switched to [[9b9t]]. At first it didn't seem like too good of a decision, but as the group got more into the community, things started to change for the better. Derp and the other members of the small group (at the time) went to the main base "[[Union Hills]]". The group was extremely poor, and for the first grief they needed to share their own TNT kits. But after making some good connections [[TheWhiteWolf]] (the leader of [[Blackfyre]]) was able to get the group a working dupe. Derp and Wolf stayed up till 3 AM duping (even on weeknights) just to get the group as much gear as possible before the dupe was patched. [[Blackfyre]] was a bit over 1 year old before they disbanded. The group had around 40 members, which consistsconsisted of PvP'ers, builders, and exploiters. It iswas almost impossible to join the group. Since it's almost impossible to join, only one of [[Blackfyre]]'s bases have ever been griefed by anybody (but that was due to an exploit), and they've never been insided. As of February 2021 Blackfyre was disbanded due to an ex-member griefing their base and then some infighting after the main leader left.
=== <u>Bases</u> ===


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