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[[File:801105388522831893.png|thumb|Hydra's Group Logo]]
'''Hydra''' was first created on 07/19/2020 when '''Redroga''', '''Guacamold''' and '''iSudo''' came together to initially make a pvp group. There was no connection with Hydra bases that iSlime had made months prior but to only due with Hydra's impact on the MCU and how it was supposedly in "Everything". The main goal for Hydra was to become the one group that is in all groups some way or another. <small>(July-September is oldOld Hydra, 1/1/21-present is New Hydra.</small> )
Hydra had been owning 9b9t's spawn region with the help of Redroga, CripticLoki, Warvan, Vez, Frank157, 3pound and the occasional iSudo. Old Hydra faced enemy's such as Aires2, Neroga and Nicketic. There were verious group battles between Hydra vs GCC x [[Crusaders]]. Many of the battles Hydra came out winning due to having many pvpers unlike GCC and [[Crusaders]] becouse they were building groups.[https://youtu.be/Sa73d8CyCfk Video on Hydra Crashing GCC spawn events] The start of the decline of Hydra was when GrandOlive (Crusades's) desided to inside Hydra for an unknown reason. Opticep (Crusader leader) would eventually tip iSudo off on accident of GrandOlive's insiding and it brought fighting among the groups. GCC would eventually fall into the mess when the leader LinusTouchTips attempted to inside Hydra with Crusaders. iSudo eventually got doxxed due to being very toxic by 1stHoudini, There relationship wasn't very strong but Opticep convinced Houdini to dox iSudo. That led to iSudo giving @everyone in the Hydra discord admin becousebecause of his anger and willingness to leave the server due to the toxicity.
== Old Hydra ==
Hydra had been owning 9b9t's spawn region with the help of Redroga, CripticLoki, Warvan, Vez, Frank157, 3pound and the occasional iSudo. Old Hydra faced enemy's such as Aires2, Neroga and Nicketic. There were verious group battles between Hydra vs GCC x Crusaders. Many of the battles Hydra came out winning due to having many pvpers unlike GCC and Crusaders becouse they were building groups.[https://youtu.be/Sa73d8CyCfk Video on Hydra Crashing GCC spawn events] The start of the decline of Hydra was when GrandOlive (Crusades's) desided to inside Hydra for an unknown reason. Opticep (Crusader leader) would eventually tip iSudo off on accident of GrandOlive's insiding and it brought fighting among the groups. GCC would eventually fall into the mess when the leader LinusTouchTips attempted to inside Hydra with Crusaders. iSudo eventually got doxxed due to being very toxic by 1stHoudini, There relationship wasn't very strong but Opticep convinced Houdini to dox iSudo. That led to iSudo giving @everyone admin becouse of his anger and willingness to leave the server due to the toxicity.
== New Hydra ==
[[File:Based.png|thumb|Hydra owning spawn (one ssscreenshot of many)]]
[[File:Based3.png|thumb|[[GamingDerp91|GamingDerp]] logging off on his alt "Night_Hawk22" (now "MrStealYourPants") mid-fight during a Blackfyre vs Hydra spawn event. ]]
[[File:Based3.png|thumb|Blackfyre losing its last spawn event it would partake in (not everyone in hydra is in the image but we won that night, GamingDerp had logegd in this ss.) ]]
Hydra had came back on January 1st 2021 when Camatar, Redroga and Frank157 had a plan to make it great again before summer break for school. This was due to them being late in Old Hydra and becoming popular when summer ended in 2020. This way they were Big going into the summer. Through January and February Hydra had fought many battles against [[Blackfyre]] (<small>a group Camatar, 3pound and Redroga joined and left<small>).</small> Hydra would fight Warvan, _Rydal and [[GamingDerp91|GamingDerp]] many times. NotMost allof timesthe wereweren't fights didn't wins, but the grandones majoritythat did were won was due to Hydra having more pvpers than the once great [[Blackfyre]]. Soon after internally [[Blackfyre]] disbanded anddue to in-fighting, so Hydra had no other threats on 9b9t. They would go on and fight Eclipes an 0b0t group and eventually making there group leader leave and nuke the discord. After that pretty much the same with [[Team GcGubobo]]. Camatar would be token logged on 2/26/21 due to him being an idiot and running a 7 month old Aurora. Hydra wasn't nuked though because of the luck of Camatar looking at his phone he was able to stop it from being nuked and they only had gotten to delete 2 channels. Fortunately Hydra has grow just like the goal for New Hydra and summer break will be here and Hydra will be the #1 most active and biggest group on 9b9t. Hydra is also no longer a pvp main group it has also experienced a base being insided and griefed. [https://youtu.be/jhw6MHd4JaM See Rydal's Video on it] Hydra is currently working on expanding the base they have now and will hopefully have a longer lifespan than its predecessors. You can find lots of the montages on Hydra in this playlist [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3YiQvjhTl0&list=PLsSmkMTPfVrreciELI8ezFW1GGwlkfCI0 Hydra Montages]
This is a very brief rundown of what has happen in Hydra so far. If you want more info dmDM Camatar#0839 or join the [https://discord.gg/pddw3AsKK9 Hydra discord] and ask away.


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