
Revision as of 00:30, 8 October 2020 by GamingDerp91 (talk | contribs)
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Apparently, the author had no idea of who this is or had better things to do than to finish it. You can help the wiki by expanding this article.

"I'm your dad"
Wanna know who's gay? You.
JoindateJuly 9th, 2019
BasesUnion Hills, Castle Blackfyre
Known AltsNone

GamingDerp91, commonly referred to as "Derp", is a famous player on 9b9t. He is known as the owner of the Anarchy Links Hub, a discord server that aims at creating a reliable collection of links within anarchy. He is a high ranking member of Blackfyre. Not much else is known about him.

File:Screenshot (1765).png
Picture of the (griefed by Blackfyre) Blackfyre base "Union Hills"
Picture of the (griefed by Blackfyre) Blackfyre base "Castle Blackfyre"
Picture of the SCC ending the making of the canal at 100k on 9b9t (with ThebesAndSound)