
Revision as of 15:04, 9 November 2019 by FraazT0 (talk | contribs)
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FlaShBaK_, often just referred to as "FlaSh", is a famous player and oldfag, famous for griefing tens of bases, many of which belonging to New Valkyria, and for introducing crystal PvP to 9b9t. He is also famous for running his own item shop and for building the (disappeared inb the spawn wipe) 500 sanc, more widely known as "Third stop", one of the oldest monuments of 9b9t. During 2017, he became a semi-known 9b9t and 2b2t youtuber, closely associated with iTavux. However, when he quit, he deleted the channel and all the videos on it. He reopened the channel when, in 2019, he came back.

"june 19th or bust"
You think that's dark? For a while his skin was just black!
JoindateJune 19th, 2016 in 2010
BasesNVHQ, NVHQ2, NVHQ4, Inquisition, Auschwitz, Long Kesh
Known AltsCancerPatient69, Lotheridan, Memestar, others
PastNew Valkyria, Team Inquisition, Auschwitz
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