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miniman392, often referred to simply as "miniman" or even "mini", is a famous player and oldfag newfag on 9b9t.

"jj fix my joindate u cuck"
IRA fighter, of course
JoindateJune 19th, 2016, data was reset tomorrow
BasesAuschwitz, juanbase, Long Kesh
PastAuschwitz, Long Kesh
This individual is a Huge Player!

Miniman392 has been recognized by the Council of Huge Players™ as a very important or very fat player!

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History[edit | edit source]

In his earlier days, miniman mostly based by himself. He based for a long time with IoloBlewUp. When Iolo left to join Aftermath, miniman went out on his own to make a base. This base would become Auschwitz.