Public Discords/9bee9tee Pooblic Discord

Revision as of 22:16, 12 March 2022 by ThePunishmentOrange (talk | contribs) (added a bit more to the official war section of 2021)
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Created:September 12th, 2016
Terminated:November 16th, 2021
Rebuilt:November 16th, 2021
Current Admins:
Current Moderators:

What Pooblic Is

Pooblic is a Discord server that was created by FraazT0 in 2016 that is centered around 9b9t. It is a community ran server, which means that none of the admins or moderators of the discord server have any type of power on the 9b9t Minecraft server. While Pooblic does have a somewhat lengthy set of rules it does not get rid of any freedoms that it doesn't have to in order to follow Discords Terms of Service.







The Pooblic VS Official War

While server owner Fraaz says that "Pooblic vs Official" has been a thing pretty much since the official server was created. However from many peoples perspective there was a pretty clear start of this controversy. That point was when 2 of the moderators from the official server (Pixotic and KyleLoading) went into Pooblics chat and started giving Fraaz ideas on how to better run his server. Spoiler alert, Fraaz does not like people telling him what to do or how to do things, so he did not take to kindly to the things that Kyle and Pixotic were saying. However it should be made clear that Fraaz was not in the wrong. If people were to come into your server and tell you how to make it better and swear you out in the process you probably wouldn't take it to well either.

That was just the start. Since both community's are littered with brainlets there was not going to be anyone stopping Pooblic members from harassing the mods in official. The thing that the Pooblic members decided to harass the official staff team about was officials seemingly strict set of rules. The most mocked rule being #13 (No pedophile jokes). Now it is well established that only the Minecraft server is anarchy and not the Discord servers, you would expect some leniency with the rules. Official gave none of that, in fact Pooblic admin Jot has now put out two videos showing off the weird and wacky reasons people have gotten punished in official. Here is the first video, and Here is the second video. Needless to say the community of official did not take to kindly to these videos. In fact official admin ZimTheDestr0yer even threatened to sue Jot for defamation of character if he uploaded the video, Jot still decided to go forth with uploading it. And as of March 12 2022, no charges have been pressed of any kind.

The Server Gets Terminated

The Pooblic discord server was terminated on Nov. 16th 2021. The cause for the termination is different depending on who you ask. But the general consensus is that user KxngCartier (KC) was angry about something that the admins of Pooblic had done, and decided to report all of the admin accounts. leading to the termination of the server and the admin accounts.

The 3rd 9b9t Pooblic Elections

This was the first year that a person that was already elected president was able to run again. Hearing this Jot took this opportunity to try and continue his reign of terror as president of 9b9t, however despite being what seemed to be the more popular choice... Kib023 was the candidate that ended up winning. After Kib won his first course of action was to pardon 1sthoudini, 1sthoudini is known to be a loose cannon. So this was a pretty big surprise to some people to see that Kib was spending 1 of his 3 pardons that he gets as president within the first couple days of his presidency. Everything seemed to actually be rather quiet for the first couple hours, Houdini would come into chat; talk about how much richer he was than everyone and that he had an actual social life, and then he would leave. At one point Houdini even reached out to his friend and active member of the server Evil2 expressing that he doesn't hate the server like everyone thinks he does and he just wants a place to chat once in a while. However that did not last long and within about two hours of him saying that he had posted 2 different doxxes in the NSFW channel of Pooblic known as cotton fields.


The First Weeks of the New Year

The early parts of 2022 Pooblic were spent mourning the termination of the original server. However, everyone mourned in different ways. Some liked to talk about it in the chat, and some like to take their anger out in Pooblics counterpart known as 9b9t Official. The reason that some would go to official to take their anger out is because of the conflict that was going down between the two servers at the time known by the community as "The Pooblic vs Official War" (very creative).

The Russian Invasion (before the ACTUAL Russian invasion)

On February 6th 2022 server owner Fraaz set up a channel that Russian speaking members of the Discord server could use as there own talk space. He set this up after noticing the unusual amount of foreign language being used in the main #Pooblic channel. The channel Fraaz set up for the Russians is called "пооблиц' which is not actually Russian but Serbian, translating to "Pooblic" (Fraaz is not known for his creativity). He also pointed a few of the Russian members to moderate the channel, they were only given access to moderate the Russian channel, and not any of the other main chats.

The Moderation Team

  • 1JSL - Known for being from Australia and being the 2nd president of Pooblic. (active)
  • Cookieofgods- Known for having a Ford truck. (ex)
  • Uncle_garry - Known for being from Australia and being a chill ass dude. (ex)
  • WKJ - Known for spreading information about Uyghur and its people and being a good moderator. (active)
  • Tallfr1end - Known for smoking weed, having a injured leg, and shitposting memes about light skins. (ex)
  • iSlime - Known for. (ex)
  • Spicybigdaddy - Known for being a chill New-Yorker and trolling Newfags. (ex)
  • Bombtree - Known for being mod of the month forever. (active)
  • Nuk5 - Known for causing controversy within the community. (ex)
  • Felis2k16 - Known for his long paragraphs explaining in detail why he has never had sex with a girl. (active)
  • Urponaattori- Known for being Finnish and a overall chill guy. (active)
  • Temporel - Known for spending his money on Discord nitro gifts. (active)
  • Zelice - Known for sitting in VC deafened for hours at a time and enjoying "anime". (active)
  • Jot_ - Known for being the first president of 9b9t, being Indian, his loud voice, and his inability to admit loss. (active)
  • Conan mc - Known for Bob Ross can and helping Fraaz with the elections. (active)
  • CorruptedGreed - Known for making those stupid letter profile pictures. (ex)
  • ZimTheDestr0yer - Known for being morbidly obese and a grumpy stoner. (ex)
  • imBarelyillegal - Known for drawing hentai and being from South Korea. (ex)
  • 99y - Known for being a catboy and grooming Plivid. (ex)
  • Lunchlady - Known for being married and living on the west coast. (ex)
  • Mallyx - Known for having his own voice channel and being a catboy. (ex)
  • FraazT0 - Known for liking pizza and shitting himself. (active)
  • Fibular - Known for being a drug addict. (active)
  • FiverZ - Know for owning People's Republic of 9b9t. (ex)