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|quote="Kill all babies"
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|caption=''Is that Zeus or something?''

Revision as of 21:54, 7 October 2019

"Kill all babies"
Is that Zeus or something?
JoindateJuly 23, 2016
BasesNVHQ4, Zelice’s 2016 Spawnbase, Midgard, The Cathedral of Lord JJ, Dohana, NVHQ7, Requiem, NVHQ10
Known AltsZelice_

Zelice is a famous player and oldfag on 9b9t, famous for being a longtime New Valkyria and later Dohana and Requiem member.

Zelice is Minecart11’s closest friend on the server. Zelice was recruited at spawn by Minecart11 during NVHQ4 and was eventually invited to the base. He had started to build a dark oak house, but the base was griefed before it could be fully completed. Zelice later went on to build the infamous map break base with Heat1804 and Vinny1122. After the base was leaked and griefed during the Babbaj Paperspigot Leak, Zelice went on to become Minecart11’s closest friend. He was invited by Minecart to Midgard, which did not last long due to jj20051 accidentally teleporting Aboderu to the base. After Midgard was griefed, he joined Minecart at The Cathedral of Lord JJ and helped him finish the initial construction. After the completion of the exterior and minimal interior details, Minecart used elytrafly to fly towards the southeast and accidentally discovered Dohana, where he promptly invited Zelice. They decided to begin building a massive city named Dohana City, where they stayed throughout the rest of 2017 and 2018. After Dohana was griefed, Zelice was left alone due to Minecart quitting. During the beginning of the summer of 2019, Zelice was invited by Blaze_Warfare to Requiem. Minecart returned after Zelice sent him a text saying that his account had been logged in to by Cardboard. Zelice joined Minecart in reassembling New Valkyria with the goal of creating the greatest NVHQ yet.