Big Players

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Big Players is a loosely defined category of players. The name is often used ironically, to boast about one's own popularity on the server.


The term is apparently older than 9b9t, originating in 2b2t's older days. However, it was popularized on 9b9t by Conan_mc, who turned it into a catchphrase for Swagnus_' meme character. It spread rather quickly, and it soon became the way SyotosGreen and his basemates referred to themselves. The term was later extended to mean in general players which are known to have achieved many things on the server.

List of certified players

In April 2017, SyotosGreen posted on the subreddit a list of those with that status according to him[1], dividing the players in 4 degrees of relevance: Huge Players, Big Players, Alabama Niggers and Role Players. The list was made with ironic tone, as can be seen in the category names, but it quickly gained an almost-official status.

The lists that follow are updated whenever a change to the list is made.

Huge players according to Syotos

"Don't try to fuck with any of the certified HUGE PLAYERS™ as we're all unfuckwithable."

"That's the end of the certified HUGE Players™, remember this not biased at all this is 100% legit and the only real certification."

Big Players according to Syotos

Alabama Niggers according to Syotos

"Now remember kids, don't respect any ALABAMA NIGGER™ or you will become one of them, they're very infestive and will not hesitate to ruin your chance of any relevance."

Role Players according to Syotos

The lists

If you want to check for yourself, here is a yearly updated list of the lists who list Big players.