Regular Players

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Regular Players are those that have decided to waste their lives playing 9b9t on a regular basis. This page, unlike Big Players, is unprotected, for the purpose of letting people add themselves. See below for the rules on this page.

How does this work

  • Always link the name.
  • Always add a description. Note that this page is the only page where you get to lie about your superhuman feats, though you should always write about them in a way that makes it clear that it's a joke.
  • Add people at the bottom, not at the top, or else.

The List

  • felixisweird - Best known for being weird...
  • Fibular - Map creator, infamous leader of team Unity, PvP pogchamp and member of K2.
  • cookie_f - the cutest player in 9b9t.
  • x0b - Member of Legion.
  • LTnk - Member of Legion.
  • FlaShBaK_ - Known for dumpstering players & bases.
  • AtomicSquid110 - Renowned shitposter.
  • Brayin - known for being Buddha. Leader of Rainbow.
  • Swagnus_ - Best known for infact being jj in disguise and also being a certified PvP legend.
  • ParadigmPlague - Member of Legion.
  • FraazT0 - Known for his mysterious accent and his amazing talent at replicating hurricane Katrina into his microphone.
  • Jot_ - Known for blowing up the bases of big players and then becoming their friends, this player has reached peak 9b9t performance.
  • CorruptedGreed - Known for being a Destiny pvpfag, only 9b9t discord mod ever.
  • Minecart11 - "Minecart11" because he permanently has the mental capacity of an 11 year old.
  • miniman392 - Also known as Novicus/ripe, often considered the "newfag of 9b9t".
  • iChris - Surfs the spectrum proudly with a strong case of ADHD.
  • D0ugs - Legendary fisher.
  • Xijorn - Living embodiment of a LeafyIsHere teenager.
  • fiverZ - Known for co-creating the 9b9t Police, excessive usage of "™" and combat logging fat.
  • Lada_the_builder - A Mexican who usually builds and makes videos.
  • Nimble - Expert Hacker, Owner of Team Nimble.
  • BradArmstrong - A bipolar being; best known for leading the Incursion of Autism in late June.
  • CyberLost - Only famous for being a very illogical player.
  • DiamondBae - Known for being a stoner.
  • Tigwiner - Known for saying "username, hi" in chat, born in the best country in the world.
  • lokasathe - The Biggest Player (400+ lbs).
  • SeaPicklez - Griefed 2YAE and traveled to two world corners without tp.
  • SirGrassy - Little shitter and beaner.
  • ImportedSocks - Full time helper, part time comedian.
  • MaybeUrMum - British Indian with a cousin from Anonymous. A force to be reckoned with.
  • morganfam10 - Considered by many to be the negro of 9b9t.
  • Icktoplasm - a 12 year old brat who used to base with Brayin and DiamondBae at 420k Base.
  • iSlime - who?
  • Conan_mc - Known for his constant Swagnus_ bootlicking.
  • kib023 - sick at pvp sick at blowing up bases sick at building sick at fighting people irl sick at selling drugs - overall real nigga.
  • 99Y - my name jeff.
  • Jossps - some wired person we dont / do talk about sometimes
  • Temporel - Newfag of the year and gayfag.
  • Valentina666 - helped found Knights Templar, animated Syotos fucking Blaze. Thats gay.
  • Airopolis - Showed up one day and made a ton of hentai map art and gay.
  • KiriSniper - Exists. Likes to be cringey a few times, and basically just dupes dirt for no reason.
  • iSudo - Is part of a smol group called Elysium. Decent pvper:(
  • xyamazing - Plays, is shit at pvp, and /kills to get somewhere without knowing if his bed is there or not. His mic, unlike Fraaz10, IS hurricane Katrina. Is probably 7
  • Markymark101 - Is the Co-Owner of the YMHA, and no one knows shit about him.
  • DiggyVii - Legendary Digger. He expanded the -X highway and then gave up halfway. Don't worry he came back..
  • Gryphonking - Founder of Manifest Destiny Mining Co. Yanked DiggyVii out of retirement and together they finished the -X highway
  • GamingDerp91 - Owner of the Anarchy Links Hub.
  • Siriusmart - Tiny Youtuber, a somewhat newfag who escaped spawn
  • Enderkool - Shit at crystal pvp. But likes to hang around spawn anyways.
  • Saran1 - is part of a small group called Lois Baton that does griefs He hates Imps
  • 2b2tYT - previously known as exotic cow, he is a notable newfag and spawn goon and has killed IHackedTrump multiple times. Feared by the Imperials
  • 5b5t - A Midfag that plays on 9b9t, and built plenty of "small" bases out of spawn About to quit the server forever, Has a plan to make a 2b2t clone called "23b23t" Completion of the server is unknown. 5b5t says the port is 50905.
  • Khuts - Someone who hangs around at nhub and makes many stashes.
  • Noiro2198 - A Newfag and the only one who lives in California, Age might be between 7-12
  • Soup - Soup AKA Supreme2 is a known midfag who was originally known for spawnfagging and griefing but is more recently known for founding soupgang and soupbase and being a member of multiple other bases such as Jotbase, NVHQ, Jeffbase, and more. Soup also was one of the first people to make it to every world corner and border in the overworld.
  • Zeda - Just some builder on the server who has been everywhere and done everything.
  • Treewalker2 - The most based 2020 player, originally started with ties to the Imperials. Has since cut ties and moved on individually.
  • zweiton - One of the three founding members of Florida, 9b9t's sickest DJ.
  • Atomic_Taco777 - Atomic is a player who never chats, for some reason his account has a bug which dosent show him in the tab menu.
  • Lituya - Spawns In Withers, Barely Plays, Griefed spawn, Owns Wiki's and via his account, Naughtasulawesi And SCNEWSulawesi
  • nkim123 - Joined 2020, item hoarder, salfag (showcased him map arts on 9b), placed 2nd for 2020 pooblic elections. Even more based than Treewalker2 (approved by jeff).
  • Drippy 6969 - Newfag, tranny + fag, who insides small groups because he's too much of a fag to inside larger groups.
  • hotdog2500-jj's alt
  • _JustRaZoR_- Newbie,the only one that live on a island near Antarctic,Known as a traveller wanting to make a bread religion.
  • DeathNight77 - A Canadian furry who joined January 2020 who's currently building a base with some friends and goes by u/X8883 on Reddit
  • Dapperdoge - married to deathnight77 also making a base with him
  • Scally - larp YouTuber
  • Jake54124 - Co-owner of the YMHA and sucks cock lmfao (don't tell him)
  • DeltaFlame - Best known as a world renowned hacker and considered to be the Supreme Builder of Anarchy. He however keeps his existence secret in an attempt to keep people off his trail.